What documentation is required to travel to Spain?
The documentation required to travel to Spain varies according to the country of origin.
- If you are a citizen of the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein: you will need a valid passport or ID card.
- If you come from another country: The maximum stay in Spain is 90 days.
There are a number of countries whose citizens are required to have a valid current visa in order to enter Spain.
We suggest that you contact the Spanish Embassy or Consulate to verify these requirements before you start your trip.
Foreign embassies and consulates in Spain
Germany | C/ Fortuny 8 Madrid 28010 Phone: +34 91 557 90 00
Azerbaijan | Ronda de Avutarda 38 (Parque de Conde de Orgaz) Madrid 28043 Phone: +34 91 759 60 10
Slovakia | Pinar, 20 Madrid 28006 Phone: +34 91 590 38 61
Georgia | Plaza de las Cortes, 4 - 5º derecha Madrid 28014 Phone: +34 91 429 01 55
Israel | Velázquez, 150 7º. Madrid 28002 Phone: +34 91 782 95 00
Portugal | Pinar, 1 Madrid 28006 Phone: +34 91 782 49 60
Czech Republic | Avda. Pío XII, 22-24 Madrid 28016 Phone: +34 91 353 18 80
Russia | Velázquez, 155 Madrid 28002 Phone: +34 91 562 22 64
Ukraine | Ronda de Abubilla, 52 Madrid 28043 Phone: +34 91 748 93 60