08. July 2017
Suceava and Cologne beat Duisburg and Aveiro and end up Champions of the EUSA Handball 2017
Montpellier and Radboud win the bronze medal after defeating Frankfurt and Akdeniz
The Romanian university Stefan cel Mare of Suceava surprised everybody and won the male Championship after surpassing the University of Duisburg-Essen, the favorite given the previous results. In the female final, there has been no surprise, as Cologne hammered..
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08. July 2017
The University of Malaga hammers Barcelona and gets the 5th position in the male ranking
Valencia beats the hosts and ends up in the 7th position in the female ranking
The morning session of the EUSA Handball 2017’s last competition day brought us two national rivalry matches—the University of Malaga vs. University of Valencia match in the female category and the University of Malaga vs. University of Barcelona match in the..
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07. July 2017
Duisburg-Essen and Stefan Cel will compete in the great final of the 9th European Universities Handball Championship
Malaga and Barcelona will fight at 11:30 at the CTA for the fifth position in a match that promises to be really exciting
A thrilling university handball championship will come to an end tomorrow at 19:00 with a high voltage final between Duisburg-Essen and Stefan Cel Mare of Suceava. The Duisburg-Essen team was able to smile at the end of a..
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07. July 2017
The female final, Aveiro vs. Cologne, promises to be a great show
The University of Malaga, after losing 34-29 against Ovidius, will compete against Valencia for the 7th position
Aveiro qualifies for finals to the rythm of goals and will face the powerful Cologne, which closed the groups phase with only victories behind. The Portuguese team sought a wide victory that would allow them to beat Akdeniz in the Group..
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06. July 2017
The host team was knocked out from a semifinals phase dominated by the Germans
Montpellier beats Basel 37-31 and turns out to be one of the four best teams in the male competition
The 9th European Universities Handball Championship gets to the most exciting phase. Teams compete in a single match risking being knocked out and not make it to the podium. The semifinals are already defined—Duisburg-Essen vs. Frankfurt and..
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